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Music Uploads

1. What is H-Lounge’s copyright policy?

2. Do I need to be a member to upload music to H-Lounge?
3. How do I upload my music to H-Lounge?

4. What file formats do you accept?
5. Is there a file size limit?
6. Is there a time limit to the music I upload?
7. Is there a limit to how much I can upload?

1. What is H-Lounge’s copyright policy?

H-Lounge is a place for you to show off your own talent, not someone else’s.

Uploading music to implies that you represent that you are the copyright owner or licensor and have all rights to upload that music!

Look, here’s the bottom line: We’re only going to make it if you behave by the rules. Uploading your favorite band’s material without them knowing, and making money off of it, is not only illegal, it’s also totally unfair. Be creative, make your own music.

Check out our Terms of Use

If we receive a notice that content infringes another party’s copyright, the member’s account may be terminated and the content will be removed.

If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us at to submit a copyright notification.

2. Do I need to be a member to upload music to H-Lounge?
Definitely – that way you can manage your uploads and enjoy all the other perks of being an H-Lounger, most importantly, getting your share of revenue from your music sales.

3. How do I upload my music to H-Lounge?
Log in to your H-Lounge account, go to My Profile, click on Upload, and follow the instructions.

4. What file formats do you accept?
At the moment, only MP3. There are plenty of freeware applications out there that convert from other audio formats to MP3. We don’t support or endorse any but search Google for “mp3 converter” for hints.

5. Is there a file size limit?
Yes, files cannot be bigger than 7 MB.

6. Is there a time limit to the music I upload?
As long as the file size doesn’t exceed 7 MB, there isn’t a time limit to the file on H-Lounge.

However, many mobile phones have time limits for ringtone downloads. In that case, we typically try to figure this out for you based on the type of phone involved in the ringtone transaction. Most commonly, songs can be truncated at 30 seconds when sent to a phone.

7. Is there a limit to how much I can upload?
At first, there is a 5 song limit on audio file uploads.
But as you sell more music, we allow you to upload more and more songs. Currently, the progression is as follows:

Music Sales Audio uploads
1 to 10 5
11 to 25 7
26 to 50 15
51 to 75 50
76 to 100 100
101 and over 250

Numbers are assessed monthly, but the maximum number of uploads will never go down, only up!


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Artist: Soloban1

About Soloban1: Hip Hop Producer, Composer, Arranger. Jazz, Classical,...

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