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1. What are Loungecakes™?
2. What can I get with my Loungecakes™?

3. What is the Shop?
4. What’s the Avatarshop?
5. What’s the Giftshop?
6. How do I turn off email notifications for messages I receive on H-Lounge?
7. How do I turn off email notification of users logging in or uploading music?
8. How do I stop someone from sending me messages to my H-Lounge inbox?
9. How can I revoke my fan status?
10. How do I subscribe to H-Lounge’s Newsalerts?
11. How do I unsubscribe from H-Lounge’s Newsalerts?

1. What are Loungecakes™?

Loungecakes™ are like a coin that you can spend on stuff on H-Lounge. Most things you do on H-Lounge will give you Loungecakes™. Loungecakes™ cannot be bought or traded in for money. You can trade them in for stuff on our site. Check your Loungecake™ balance on your personal profile page.

2. What can I get with my Loungecakes™?
Right now you can trade your Loungecakes™ for cool avatars or spend them in the Gift Shop. But there’s a lot more to come. So stay tuned!

3. What is the Shop?
The Shop is the H-Lounge market where you can spend some of the Loungecakes™ you’ve earned on avatars, gifts and other things.

4. What’s the Avatarshop?
If you don’t feel like uploading your own image to your profile, you can choose from a series of awesome avatars we created. Just trade in some of those Loungecakes™.

5. What’s the Giftshop?
It’s a shop where you can buy icons and send them to your favorite artist, to your fans, friends or to that totally lame person on the site. Express your admiration, platonic affection or complete dissatisfaction.

6. How do I turn off email notifications for messages I receive on H-Lounge?
Go to My Profile, then Edit Profile, and just uncheck the email notification box.

7. How do I turn off email notification of users logging in or uploading music?
Go to My Profile, click on Fans and uncheck the notification button (the little eyes) under Watching Status.

8. How do I stop someone from sending me messages to my H-Lounge inbox?
Go to My Profile, click on Messages and choose “Ignore this Artist”.
You can always go back if you change your mind later on.

9. How can I revoke my fan status?
Go to My Profile, click on Fans and turn off the fan button (the little star icon).

10. How do I subscribe to H-Lounge’s Newsalerts?
Subscribe here.

And by the way, we hate spam too. We promise not to sell or give out any of the information. Check out our Privacy Policy.

11. How do I unsubscribe from H-Lounge’s Newsalerts?
Unsubscribe here.


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Crystal Tears
Artist: Fudgesicle

About Fudgesicle: I like fugdesicles and I like chocolate bars... MmMmMmMmMmM! I...

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