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Artist: roboboy

Joined:  March 14, 2006
Total posts:  3
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About Me:  me well...im a bit of an eminem wanabee sometimes though
Fans:  kody, killer 7, VALIS, Idontusemine, steevee, MrGoatMilk, tester257, VWORLDS, stcool, crazykid123, turk money, Em, Crespo, BDBG SQUAD
Fan Of:  Richard, hdog, vidpat, kody, MadKaneo, hot dawg, killer 7, prettybitch, suira, VALIS, Idontusemine, Soloban1, steevee, dDog122, GoatMilk, Sophie07m, MrGoatMilk, FiNiX, justin360, jacobcm, taxnfoos, eddycoolj, sparky06bwm, Riokusho, tester257, desi, VWORLDS, stcool, 50p, turk money, Xodus, Em, Crespo, deehot1, Yung One
Music:  wicked wicked now, cool but nasty, a little...., a bit of both, what u doin?????, 24u, the request, i belong in the dark
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