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Artist: noconesjones

Joined:  September 29, 2006
Total posts:  0
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About Me:  Originally from Baltimore, I now attend grad school up in Cambridge, Mass. As for what I do, I'm a mechanical engineer in an Aeronautics/Astronautics program who studies the cognitive science of people in cars. Confused? Me too.

I write music, sing, and play guitar in my spare time, but don't expect me to post anything new (i.e. good) anytime soon (maybe after I graduate). However, I am an avid music fan, and truly enjoy lending a critical ear. Msg me.
Fans:  Ringtone VJ, Spil, BDBG SQUAD, colingreen, Dj Philthy Phil, annasuiingenue
Fan Of:  Richard, PsycheOrigami, Spil, colingreen, IDLEMINE, revelationtheory, Dj Philthy Phil
Music:  Cool
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