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Artist: caution

Joined:  July 4, 2006
Total posts:  0
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About Me:  hey guys caution here just dropped in to check out the music and dig whats going on here! i'm 24 and play guitar with no musical training, i think i got the hang of making music. TORMENTED SOULZ is the ideal i've been working as far as music projects.I'm also looking to start a design biz which deals with t-shirts and tattoos. DARK-LI-REALM is the name of that project.
Fans:  collerthanyou22, Larrish, Spil, KONFIDENT, BDBG SQUAD, Homegirl, IDLEMINE, Champs Corner
Fan Of:  ModularBlues, MC Squared, collerthanyou22, Larrish, Rooki, BLACK ACID, elliotthedunk, Spil, KONFIDENT, Homegirl, standoubt, Homage, Carmen Chiles, IDLEMINE, revelationtheory, CUBWORLD, Trafek The Rising
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